Your home for learning Conversely, from sending your first message to workflow automation

Creating Contacts

You can store information about your customers by adding them as contacts. In addition, you can add custom data in form of a key-value pair to your contacts. This allows you to easily filter customers based on the data key.


  • Click on Contacts
  • Click on Create Contact
  • Fill in the appropriate information in the form
  • To add more details and custom data, click on Show more
  • (Optional) Enter Custom Data in key-value format. For example, to store the time-zone of a customer, you can enter time-zone in the key field and UTC in the value field.
  • Click on Save

Creating Contacts

You can store information about your customers by adding them as contacts. In addition, you can add custom data in form of a key-value pair to your contacts. This allows you to easily filter customers based on the data key.


  • Click on Contacts
  • Click on Create Contact
  • Fill in the appropriate information in the form
  • To add more details and custom data, click on Show more
  • (Optional) Enter Custom Data in key-value format. For example, to store the time-zone of a customer, you can enter time-zone in the key field and UTC in the value field.
  • Click on Save
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